Rachel Leland’s Lyme Hack

Rachel Leland

Lyme Disease Tip Summary:

Rachel Leland, the author of “Finding Resilience: A Teen’s Journey Through Lyme Disease,” shares three effective strategies that have significantly aided her recovery from Lyme disease:

  1. NUCCA Chiropractic: This is a gentle form of chiropractic care that Rachel finds particularly beneficial. The National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA) focuses on precise and gentle adjustments, which have been positively received by her body.
  2. Bio-Oxidative Therapy (BOT): BOT involves drawing some blood, mixing it with ozone, and then reinfusing it back into the body. Rachel describes this therapy as a game-changer, especially in overcoming flare-ups, making it her top choice for treatment.
  3. Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS): DNRS is a neuroplasticity-based program that Rachel has found helpful in addressing food and chemical sensitivities. This system focuses on retraining the brain to respond differently to environmental stimuli.

Rachel’s personal experience with these treatments highlights their potential effectiveness in managing and recovering from Lyme disease. She encourages others battling Lyme to explore these options, offering hope and reassurance with the message, “You’ve got this.”

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Video Transcript:
“Hello, I’m Rachel Leland, author of Finding Resilience: A Teen’s Journey Through Lyme Disease, and today I have three Lyme hacks for you. National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA) chiropractic, BOT, and DNRS. NUCCA Chiropractic is a very gentle form of chiropractic which my body responds very well to. BOT stands for Bio Oxidative Therapy (BOT) and basically what this is, they take out some of your blood, mix it with ozone, and then put it back in. And this treatment has been an absolute game changer in terms of getting over a flare-up for me. So it’s become my number one go-to thing. And then DNRS stands for Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS) and this is a neuroplasticity-based program, which has been very helpful for me in terms of getting over food and chemical sensitivities. So all of these three things have been so helpful for me. I hope they can help you and just remember you’ve got this.” – Rachel Leland
