Tiara Smith

Tiara Smith

Tiara Smith’s Lyme Hack:

“Hi guys, this is Tiara with another Lyme Disease Awareness Month tip (check out my podcast interview). My tip is there going to be many times in your journey when you are going to have way more questions than you do answers. And honestly, it’s frustrating, confusing, and disheartening. During that timeframe, you may and probably will experience a lot of invalidation from people close to you, such as family, friends, and even medical professionals. During that timeframe, it’s extremely discouraging, because you feel like what you’re experiencing is all in your head. But I’m here to tell you, it’s not. Everything you’re experiencing is valid. You are the only person who can feel and understand the fluctuations in your body. You are the only person who can feel when things are going wrong. So please, anytime you’re feeling invalidated or discouraged, please remember that your experience is valid. Please remember that every single thing that you have thought or that you have felt during this journey is valid. And please remember that the people who are saying these things genuinely don’t understand what it’s like to be in your shoes and to feel so scared and nervous and worried about what’s next. So my tip is to make sure that you remember that you are the only person who can truly understand how you’re feeling. And if anybody invalidates your experience, just remember in your head, that what they’re saying has no grounds. Until next time.”
