Michelle McKeon

Michelle McKeon

Michelle McKeon’s Lyme Hack:

Michelle McKeon points out one of the biggest things she’s learned when going through the Lyme treatment process.

If you are doing an antimicrobial protocol like antibiotics or herbs, you want to make sure your drainage pathways and your detox pathways are open so that your body is detoxing efficiently.

Once you implement antimicrobial protocols, pathogens die and expel toxins, which create inflammation.

You don’t want these toxins circulating throughout your system.

You want them to get out of your system so inflammation can go down and you can see symptom relief.

Michelle McKeon is a Certified Mold Specialist, teacher, Board-Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS), and the founding owner operator of Lyme and Cancer Services and Balancing Pathways. She is also the director of LifeSpan medicine’s Lyme Nutrition Program. After a 5-year diagnostic journey that started with a tick bite on Fire Island, New York, she treated with some of the top Lyme Literate Medical Doctors (LLMDs) in the US including Dr. Kenneth Leigner, Dr. Richard Horowitz, and Dr. Sheryl Leventhal. She also treated at the renowned Klinik St. Georg in Germany. Ms. McKeon’s diagnostic and treatment journeys granted her insight into a diverse set of treatment tools which she converted into Lyme disease recovery frameworks. If you would like to learn how a Lyme disease experience inspired a pivot from a teaching career to a career dedicated to building businesses designed to end the suffering caused by Lyme disease, then tune in to episode 141 of our Tick Boot Camp Podcast!
