Lindsay Tuttle

Lindsay Tuttle

Lindsay Tuttle’s Lyme Hack:

“Hey friends, I wanted to be able to share with you guys a quick tip for Lyme health in the month of May. And my name is Lindsey Tuttle. And I’m actually a nurse practitioner who has gone through Lyme disease. And I want to tell you that actually, the most valuable tip I have for supporting yourself with healing is to not identify with the disease, not take on the disease as something that owns you or is a part of you. And what I mean by that is look for ways that you are kind of disconnecting yourself from a certain feedback pattern in your brain. Okay. So a lot of times I hear people will talk about some sort of illness that they’re going through, and they’ll say, my fibromyalgia, my Lyme, my pain, my achy joints, and I suggest changing the language to the Lyme, the disease, the achiness, because you are healthy and whole. And the more that you speak that over yourself and the more you identify, and you actually train your brain to identify with that allows that to happen and you’re creating higher cellular vibration and frequency in your body. Rather, it’s just like, you know, they’ve done studies where somebody talked to two different plants. It gave one plant positive feedback and language and was like excited for it. And then the person also talked to another plant and was just like, down on it angry, not kind. The one plant that the person was talking to unkindly failed, failed to thrive, died, you know. I’m, like all my plants like don’t survive. So that’s like, that would be probably what happened to my plant anyways, which is not a positive thing to say it’s just it’s funny to me. So that said, just being able to say okay, like I’m going to speak life over myself. And I’m going to claim health and healing and wholeness over myself. And so something that I often do often is I will not associate the terms of like my disease, my Lyme, I say the Lyme, the disease, and I talk in a very futuristic sense too, so that I often am just like instilling that belief and that feedback pattern to my limbic system into my brain, which controls so many processes in my body. So, like I might say, like I am healthy and whole, you know, if I’m experiencing pain, I am healthy and whole. I am healing. I am overcoming every single day. My body is strong, it fights for me. I look for ways that I can uplift my body, increase my cellular vibration and speak healing and high vibes over my life. So hope that helps you guys and gives you some encouragement and a great tip to support your body in the month of May and all your life.”
