Doctor Brian Plante’s Lyme Hack

Brian Plante

Lyme Disease Tip Summary:

Dr. Brian Plante introduces a simple yet effective technique to alleviate anxiety and tension on the Tick Boot Camp Lyme Hackathon, ultimately aiding in regulating the immune system. This exercise involves:

  1. Head Rotation: Begin with shoulders facing forward. Gently turn your head to one side as far as is comfortable, holding the position for five seconds. Then, turn to the opposite side, holding for another five seconds. Repeat this sequence for both sides.
  2. Eye Movement Stretch: Keeping your shoulders and head facing forward, move your eyes to the right as far as comfortable, holding for 30 to 60 seconds. Repeat this on the left side for the same duration. This step should be done on both sides.

This exercise benefits the body by stretching the vagus nerve during the head movements. Additionally, the eye movements are crucial as they engage the visual danger detection system, which scans the environment for cues of safety and threats. Dr. Plante emphasizes that this technique is not only helpful for physical relaxation but also contributes to mental peace in the healing journey.

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Video Transcript:
“Hi there, my name is Dr. Brian Plante and this is a quick trick you can use to discharge anxiety and tension, which more appropriately regulates our immune system. For this first part, you’re going to be having your shoulders facing forward. And you’re going to gently turn your head as far as you comfortably can to one side, and you’re going to hold that for five seconds, then you’re going to look to the other side and hold that for five seconds. You’re going to repeat that on both sides. Then you’re going to have your shoulders facing forward and your head facing forward with your eyes looking as far as you comfortably can to the right side, and hold that for 30 to 60 seconds. And then you’ll look to the other side for 30 to 60 seconds. And then you’re going to repeat that both sides and then you’ll look forward. This helps stretch the vagus nerve when we’re moving our head and the eye movements engage our visual danger detection system, which looks in our environment first for cues of safety and threat. Wishing you peace on your healing journey. Until next time.” – Brian Plante
