Ashley Belanger

Ashley Belanger

Ashley Belanger’s Lyme Hack:

“Hey everyone, my name is Ashley Belanger and I was on episode 72. And on that episode, I share my journey with late stage neurological Lyme and 30 co-infections, as well as over 70 daily symptoms, and how I got to remission. I have three pieces of advice for you today. The first one is advocate for yourself, it is okay to ask questions. It’s okay to find a new doctor. It’s okay to do your own research to find out what you feel is best for you. The second piece of advice is that non-toxic food and products around you and in your home matter. You have the choice of what you put into and onto your body daily. And so what you do choose to put into and onto your body can lower your inflammation levels. And the last piece of advice is hope. I know within the Lyme community it can be hard to find stories of hope and remission. So I’m here to tell you that remission is possible. I’m not going to say it’s easy, but it is definitely worth the fight to get there.”
