Ashley Belanger

Ashley Belanger

Ashley Belanger’s Lyme Hack:

“Hi everyone, my name is Ashley Belanger, and I was on episode 72. I have three Lyme tips today that I want to share with you, the first one is the importance of a root cause practitioner. There are many different components that go into a Lyme diagnosis. It’s rarely just Lyme, you need to figure out all the different things that allowed the Lyme to flourish in your body and why was your immune system weakened. Was it heavy metals, parasites, mold, or environmental toxins? Do you have genetic mutations at play? So a root cause practitioner is going to look at all those different pieces and they’re going to know the proper order of operations, which is also very important. The second tip would be if you are stuck or stalling in your healing, I would consider looking at nervous system dysregulation or emotional work. The body can’t heal in a state of fight or flight. So when your body is constantly in fight or flight, it’s going to make healing really hard no matter how many supplements you use, no matter how many different treatment protocols you do. So, I would look into QNRT and MBSR or Primal Trust, there are a lot of other different ones, but those are a few. And the last tip is, I know it can be really difficult if people don’t believe in your diagnosis or if they don’t believe in the type of treatment you’re doing, but you don’t need their permission. You don’t need their permission to heal. You don’t need their permission, or unsolicited advice if it doesn’t help you. So, just be mindful of that and healing is possible, and remission is possible. I know it can seem very daunting. Coming from someone who at one point I didn’t know my own name. You know, I had over 80 symptoms daily, but please continue fighting and know that healing is possible, remission is possible, and you deserve it. You deserve that life!”
