Tick Check Mastery: Why It’s Essential in a Post-Climate Change World

Woman Doing Tick Check


  • Tick populations and the risk of tick-borne illnesses are increasing due to global warming and the expansion of tick habitats.
  • Tick check mastery is a crucial skill for individuals to protect themselves from tick-borne diseases.
  • The current tick check recommendations are inadequate, but Tick Boot Camp’s new tick check protocol is the most effective method for tick detection and removal.


Global warming has had many effects on our planet, and one of the most concerning is the increase in tick populations and expansion of tick habitats. Tick-borne illnesses, including the most common one in North America, Lyme disease, are on the rise and can have severe health consequences if left untreated. In a post-climate change world, tick check mastery is a vital skill for individuals to acquire to protect themselves from the dangers of tick-borne illnesses.

Impact of Global Warming on Ticks and Lyme Disease
The warming of the earth’s climate is causing ticks to become more active, and their habitats are expanding. In the United States, the incidence of Lyme disease has tripled in the last 20 years, with an estimated 476,000 new cases occurring each year. Ticks are now found in more regions of the United States and Canada, and they are active for longer periods throughout the year.

Why Tick Check Mastery is Essential
Prompt tick detection and removal are the most effective ways to prevent the transmission of tick-borne illnesses. Tick check mastery is crucial for individuals to protect themselves from tick-borne diseases. Unfortunately, many people are not skilled at detecting ticks, and this can result in missed ticks and a failure to remove them. If left untreated, tick-borne illnesses can have severe chronic health consequences.

Current Tick Check Recommendations are Inadequate
The traditional method of checking for ticks involves a quick visual inspection of “hot spots,” but this approach is not effective at detecting ticks. Some ticks can be as small as a poppy seed, making them difficult to see with the naked eye. Current tick check recommendations also fail to address the most common areas where ticks attach to the body, such as under the breast, in body folds, near the hips or belt lines, and under bra straps.

The New Tick Check Protocol
Tick Boot Camp has developed a new tick check protocol that is the most effective method for tick detection and removal. This enhanced 3-step model, utilized by the skin cancer community, involves establishing a baseline through a body map, performing multiple self-checks, and involving a partner or third-party checks.

Tick check mastery is a vital skill that everyone needs to acquire in a post-climate change world. The Tick Boot Camp tick check protocol provides a thorough and effective method for detecting and removing ticks. By following this protocol and taking preventative measures, individuals can protect their health and reduce their risk of contracting tick-borne illnesses. It is crucial to be aware of the risks of tick bites and take appropriate action to prevent tick-borne illnesses.
