Mitch Webb

Mitch Webb

Mitch Webb’s Lyme Hack:

“Hey, what’s up guys? My name is Mitch Webb. I’m a health and wellness coach. Years ago I got really sick with Lyme disease and slowly but surely I got my life back. So in honor of Lyme disease Awareness Month, I want to give you a couple of tips that you can share with a loved one, or try them for yourself so that you can you can feel better quicker. Okay, so I share a lot of tips on my on my Instagram page, @kMitchWebb, about nutrition, about mindset about movement, and about lifestyle choices that can help us fight this disease. But today, I want to talk to you more about mindset. I think that’s number one. I think that based on the book that I read by Dr. Joe Dispenza, Becoming Supernatural, I understood more about the law of attraction and how we get what we focus on and our thoughts are bringing our future reality to us. Okay, so if I wake up every day, and I’m focusing on my pain and my suffering, I’m going to get more of that. I’m going to manifest more pain and suffering in my life. What if I can start to become aware of those thoughts that are creating my future reality, and I can audit those thoughts? Now I can start to change my my future. Okay? So the first thing we do is become aware of those thoughts. We want to become aware of those thoughts so that when they arise, and when they come up throughout our day, we can stop and we can change them. So the way that you do this is get like a little note on your on your cell phone. And every time you have a negative thought, become aware of it, write it down, and timestamp it. Okay, so maybe at 10am I said, Why me? At lunchtime I said, there’s no way I’m gonna ever heal from this. At three o’clock, I’m talking about my I’m thinking about my joint pain, and that I’m never gonna get better. Okay, so timestamp each of those thoughts. And so at the end of the day, you want to review those thoughts and this is where we become aware of how that’s creating our future. So who put those thoughts there? Are they serving me? Right? How do I think? How do I act? How do I feel whenever I have these thoughts? Okay, so you become so aware of those thoughts that when they when they come up again, you can you can realize you’re doing it and you can stop. Okay? So then you start to realize what do I want to feel? Okay, so for me, what I focused on was healing my body. And more importantly, once we know what we do want to feel how do we teach our body to feel that? Okay, so for me healing my body, it felt like freedom. It felt like being released from prison. So I would, I would, I would visualize my my hands being chained and breaking those chains. What would it feel like I would, I would imagine myself raising my hands to the sky, being so thankful and having gratitude for healing my body and, you know, who are you with? How do you think? How do you feel? How do you act? What can you do now that you’ve healed your body that you couldn’t do when you were suffering, and what does that feel like? So if you can wake up every day, and you can, you can stop those negative thoughts. And you can bring in and teach your body what you do want to feel. Now, quantum physics and the law of attraction tells us that that event is going to come to us, we don’t have to go looking for it. This is not something that you do a couple days, and then you’re you’re done, it’s something you do for every single day for a year. So we know that the brain is plastic that neuroplasticity is possible that we can retrain the brain. And so you’ve got to teach it. You know, you’ve got to become aware of those negative thoughts that are keeping you tied to this negative reality and this disease, and we got to fight it by teaching our body the positive thoughts and emotions and outcomes that we do want and what it would feel like to be in that future. So today, become aware of those thoughts, audit of those thoughts, stop them and teach your body what it feels like to be in that new reality where you have healed your body, you’re feeling better, and you’re kicking butt again. I hope this helps. Like I said, my name is Mitch Webb. I’m with Primal Lift Health Coaching. If anybody has any questions, please reach out @kMitchWebb. I’m happy to answer any questions. Have a great day.”
