Lauren Lovejoy

Lauren Lovejoy

Lauren Lovejoy’s Lyme Hack:

“Hi guys, this is Lauren Lovejoy from Lyme Warrior, and here are my three hacks to surviving and living with Lyme. So first of all, find a doctor that you trust. I mean, you actually care and you believe what they say is going to get you better. If you don’t feel in alignment with your doctor, you are going to struggle through treatment and question everything, and that will erode your mental health. Find a doctor that you love. Second, don’t be afraid to go outside the box with treatments. The standard treatment did not work for me and it doesn’t work for a lot of people. Don’t be scared to move past that area. There are so many new emerging technologies and things that are not mainstream that are really helpful. As always, have a practitioner or doctor who you fully trust to help you down those roads. But consider herbals, PEMF therapy, and rife. There are all kinds of different amazing emerging things that are really helping people get their life back. And number three is to find an amazing community. Mental health is really really tough around this disease and you will go through cycle after cycle of the ups and downs of how terrible this feels. When you’re healed, you’ll have a setback and when you get better, you’ll be surprised that you feel better. So find a community that really can embrace you through your ups and downs and get you to where you need to be to live a happy, healthy life with this disease.”
