Hank Sloan, ND

Dr. Hank Sloan

Tick Boot Camp Podcast
Dr. Jill Carnahan was featured on the Tick Boot Camp Podcast:


Dr. M. Hank Sloan is a distinguished practitioner at The Genesis Center, which is renowned as Your Optimal Health Center located in Cumming, Georgia. His credentials extend across a range of medical and therapeutic disciplines including Naturopathy, Public Health, Homeopathy, and Neuromuscular Therapy.

Specialization in Lyme Disease
Dr. Sloan has carved a niche in the treatment and management of Lyme disease at the Genesis Center. His approach to Lyme is meticulous, often identifying it as the primary infection to be addressed in his patients owing to its genetic modifications. He has a collaborative association with the Research Genetics Cancer Center (RGCC) Laboratory in Greece, which facilitates the identification of specific gene sequences of Lyme and other viruses, thus aiding in the formulation of precise treatment plans.

Treatment Approaches
Under Dr. Sloan’s guidance, The Genesis Center employs advanced therapeutic strategies for Lyme disease treatment. They are pioneers in utilizing gene silencing therapy or apoptosis-inducing therapy. With a remarkable track record, the center has conducted hundreds of SOT (Supportive Oligonucleotide Technique) treatments, profoundly impacting the lives of thousands of patients across the United States with incredible success.

Contact and Collaboration
For individuals and professionals keen on exploring collaboration opportunities or seeking treatment for Lyme disease, Dr. Sloan can be reached through The Genesis Center. The center welcomes inquiries and appointments, fostering a community of healing and knowledge sharing.
