Cassidy Colbert

Cassidy Colbert

Cassidy Colbert’s Lyme Hack:

Cassidy Colbert wants you to know that the most important thing to remember during your Lyme journey is to love your body. She went years and years hating her body because she was in pain saying “why can’t I get another one? I wish they would just cut it off. I hate it!” Your body is freaking powerful. Every day constantly fighting helping you get to another other side, and yes, there is another side. Listen to your body. If it’s telling you to slow down, then slow down. It’s ok. If it’s telling you, “hey, we shouldn’t eat that,” then don’t eat that. Your body knows what it needs. You need to listen to your body. You WILL make it to the other side.

Cassidy is one of the masterminds behind the Lyme Education Awareness Foundation (LEAF), a Lyme educator, lecturer, blogger and young adult Lyme Disease support group administrator. In the summers of 2018 and 2019, Ms. Colbert traveled the United States with noted Lyme Disease education expert Dr. Nancy Fox to provide Lyme Disease education to over 5,500 children in 25 cities. If you would like to learn more about how a 21-year-old has battled Chronic Lyme Disease and become “The Unstoppable Force” in the Lyme education and awareness community, then tune in to episode 59 of our Tick Boot Camp Podcast!
