Sophie Ward

Sophie Ward

Sophie Ward’s Lyme Hack:

“Hi guys, my name is Sophie Ward and I’m from England (check out my podcast interview). My Lyme disease tip would be to not compare or fall into that comparison cycle, where you feel like your treatment is different than someone else’s or your progress is different than someone else’s. Your journey is so different. Because this disease affects us all individually very, very differently. Although there are some overlaps, we all suffer in different ways. And we’ll all find treatments that work and don’t work for us. So just stay in your own lane and just be really positive and just do what works best for you. You don’t need to do what’s best for Sarah down the road. It’s going to be very, very different from what works for you. So please, please be very kind and understanding with yourself. Don’t carry guilt, don’t carry shame. You didn’t wish this on yourself at all, and you wouldn’t wish it on anybody else. So just be kind to yourself. You’re doing the best you can and you’re fighting so hard. It’s a very, very complex and debilitating and soul-destroying disease and you’re doing amazing. So give yourself a pat on the back.”
